Saturday, March 6, 2010

Terror, horrible state of mind and "irrelevant" facts...

6 March

I have no idea. Sitting comfortably here... in Starbucks, listening to Whitney Houston, feeling rather relax and "in the mood" for anything, everything.

Out of no-where, this group of student, came and sit next to my table, open their lecture notes and start talking rubbish. I sound rude? Maybe...

I can't help it...

As communications student, who cannot differentiate and the rise of social media and conventional media, I find it a bit "shocking".

Now, some of the questions that I come across, where student totally get it wrong; (Just to share with people... there's reason why Google is important, including Wikipedia.)

1. Why do organizations need PR?
2. What's PR?
3. How can social media, impact PR?
4. What's the use of NR?
5. Is photos important for PR?

All the questions above, is not hard, yet not easy, but one should be able to answer it. At least try, just don't give nonsense and your own perspective of, how things should be.


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