Wishing you all best of luck and have a wonderful year this 2008!!!
Well, mine is not a bad one... I actually went back my hometown (yes, in case you havent notice, I dont usually wish to go back) and didnt expect to have a wonderful time there... so... I have to say that I DID enjoy my chinese new year and yes, I ate a lot... the 1st day itself I had 4 steamboats... gosh... what a record... I was FULL the whole day...needless to say, all the mandarin oranges and goodies bla bla bla... it's more in than out.... Gosh! I also collected a number of Angpau! Not bad! But all will be used to clear my stupid credit card debt... and talk about debts.... here come PTPTN and bla bla bla... geez... so much to pay!!!
Would like to share some pics with those who read my post here... Enjoy!
Lion Dance @ My Papa Shop...